Friday, May 6, 2011

Today's Groove, Today!

DAY TWO!  of three hours or less of sleep; - expect abounding weirdness~!

  I'm enjoying a steaming hot cup of Coffee Zilla- with cream and sugar.
When i was rousted out of bed this morning, i knew i had two "wake- up" options.(there are probably more, but im sleep walking at this point, and i know these two work.*smile~)

*"WAKE UUUUP!" options:

  Option A:  Coffee Zilla(the "we're strapped for cash" version)-  Take your coffee grinder, throw in three times as much of your favorite Roast -or do three batches)-i'm doing dark columbian today(because im out of everything else), throw it all in the coffee strainer basket thingy(equalls about 3/4 cup grounds) and "let 'er brew."
While it's perking or brewing...when it's just past that "drips look like tar" stage(but not too far past!) stick your cup under there and fill 'er up.  Add cream, stevia/sugar, whatever else hits your fancy, stir and drink.
No, not "sip and enjoy"... seriously,, "shoot it."  Save "sipping and enjoying" for cup two(which is what i'm on.
*COFFEE ZILLA , BABY!"~  *heh, im kind of that "dragging butt" kind of way.

Option B:  Two dropper fulls of tincture of Cayenne in 1/4 cup water.  Stir, and ...*uh huh~,..."shoot it."
It'll blow the top of your head off, clean out your sinus cavities and your tear ducts,( not to mention other things on the way out...) and honey, you WILL be AWAKE.  *Shudders in the memories~
...after the first time, we nicknamed it,"The Burning Blitzkrieg."(we'll let your imagination toy around with "why")

 *WARNING!~  Topic jump!

   Two of my daughters surprised me with Tulips for (an early)Mother's Day; I adore Tulips.  23 years of Mother's Days and I've never gotten Tulips.  This year I did.  !!!  I was elated. (yes; i was working on 2 hours of sleep that day, too.  *seems to be a pattern as of late...*sighing eyeroll.~)

   They're so pretty, and smell so good.  They just scream "HAPPY!"

Today's Smoothie:  "Orange Dreamcicle"- this version boasts three oranges, the juice(only) of three more oranges, 1/2 and apple, 3 md.- lrg. RIPE bananas, 7 green leaf lettuce leaves, big pinch celery leaves, stevia, ice and water or almond or coconut milk, to taste.  Throw it all in the VitaMix, turn that puppy on and let her rip.(uhm, snap the lid on first....i didn't(brain was in bed somewhere) - wasn't pretty.)
Blend for 30 seconds to a minute(or, however much you like) and ENJOY!

Today's Groove~...  They don't make them like this anymore;  The irrepressible Cab Calloway and the exuberant and exceptional Nicholas Brothers(*Men, can you say, "Ow!" )-  have to watch to see why~ *lopsided grin~

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