Tuesday, May 17, 2011

life's seasons, shiva, and kittens

There is a saying- or, uh, proverb like something,  that goes something like : "People are brought across your path/into your life for a reason.  Some will stay all short time, and then leave; some stay longer than others; an exceptional few will stay a long time, but all of them have been placed across your path for a reason."
Another part of that  would be"Learn to look for and recognize the reason; and then learn the lesson."

...annnnnnd, i completely forgot where i was going with that.  *LOL ~sorry.  Losing my "train of thought" tends to happen frequently when i begin the post and something happens, and then more things happen, and then i have to do this or that "real quick" and suddenly,...it's well into the PM when i get back to the post.

*Sigh~ so,  i will skip on down to this other train of thought( and see if i can keep it on track. *lol)

I recently met a man who had JUST turned his life around, with God's, and alot of good people's help. The story from his family, and from himself on the changes was, -remarkable.   Totally changed and transformed by the love of God.  Clean, sober, loving life and loving his family.
  He went home to be with God on May 8th- just shy of his "one year clean and sober" anniversary. They sent his pin to his family, "post-humus"  His memorial service was wonderful- many stories were told of his antics(pre- and post salvation), and his great love of life, motorcycles, God, his fiancé', his family, and his "boys"- two siberian huskies- "Harley", and "Jake."  Laughter in tears~

I'm beginning to realize it will be like this, and possibly more and more so, as we draw closer to the end of things. Makes you want to shout to everyone, "Live, love, laugh with those you love while you still have them! There is no guarantee of tomorrow! In an instant, everything could permanently change!!"

I find myself constantly thinking about his mother, and his sisters, brothers, fiance` and daughter.  now i am not included in the "shiva" process- being only a friend, but i find myself grieving for, and with, the family. 

Perhaps i should explain...
"Shiva" literally means "seven;" and is the term applied to the seven days Immediately Following the burial of the departed (which in Judaism traditionally occurs within one day of death whenever possible). Any "first-degree" relative - father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, spouse -  becomes/assumes the chalakic ("how to walk" out the commandments) status of (an)"avel " (Hebrew: אבל ; "mourner"). During the funeral, mourners traditionally tear or rip an outer garment;  a ritual known as keriyah . Traditions state that the garment should be one that "covers the heart" (shirt, jacket,vest...) and the garment is to be worn throughout the seven day period.(Outside of the Orthodox community, a common alternative is to wear a small, torn black ribbon pinned to one's clothes.) "Shiva" lasts seven days, during which time family members traditionally gather in one home (preferably the home of the deceased) and receive visitors. The mirrors are covered with a cloth(usually black), the family members do not wear shoes, during this time.- in ancient times, leather shoes were a sign of wealth; when someone we love/care about dies, we are no longer wealthy.) The family does not do "normal everyday activities" during the seven days; Meals, housework, errands,- All their needs,-  are (supposed to be)taken care of by the community.  The practice of "sitting shiva" comes from verses in the book of Isaiah.

Our kittens dont understand shiva so well.  They are too adorable to be ignored.  They're starting to play now, and the dear little furballs just dont understand "sad"- not at this point.

They've been a great help to the kids and loads of fun for the youngest.- i just wish their claws and little teeth werent like razor sharp needles!

Todays Groove~

 Todays Smoothie:  Green ginger~   apple, orange, banana, 4 kale leaves, hand pinch full of spinach, 4 romaine leaves, 1 inch of ginger, peeled, one lemon, ice water and stevia to taste.

Don't Forget.  Live. Love. Laugh.

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