Saturday, May 21, 2011

Smoothies, Groovies, and ...stuff

Stuck at home because the van won't start....*Sigh~...

I'm alittle angry today; some friends of mine are hurting. Quite a few friends, actually.  And here i am, struggling- with things i should be stronger in- Thought i was stronger in,-especially after all God's done for me....
*Sighs~    I guess that's why they call it "fight"- huh? ...*ugh

On a better note, the "every meal at home together around the table(also etiquette and manners lesson time),  from here on known as "The "Experiment,"  has  under gone its first full week. The results were- interesting? *lol
Sometimes i think we, parents, think our kids "get" or "know" something just because they've been in the same room/house with it most or all of their lives.  I'm learning- vividly(*Shudder) that's just Not the case.  Not with manners, not with etiquette, not with why we do certain things, why we dont do these other things...- the list goes on and on.  I admit to being  surprised and...upset?... by this revelation.
Everything imortant to you, your life and your way of thinking and doing this MUST include these three things- all three- to get "stuck" in your kids. Do.  Do while explaining. Do with them while re-emphasizing,( letting them participate more each time.)  Or   Explain. Show. Practice.

Anyway- the first day was just...shocking.  LOL  I just got us all together and watched what heppened. *shudder~  i didnt eat much that night.  The next day- first full day- I became Emily Post meets Mrs. Doubtfire meets Madea.  - and stuck with that for the next three days.  No, that first full day definitely wasnt fun- but, as the days and lessons continued, we got some things down(like not talking over people(because yooure excited or thought of a good poit, etc)- and especially not  while you're chewing(*ew) We had one really good day, and then hit a snag.  Crankiness and boredom.  It was a chore t get them to the table on time. - and they were sulky when they got there.  One evening got so bad i just made everyone leave the table.  Yesterday wasnt so bad.  Kind of fun at times too- though still battling the bad atitudes and pouty lipped three year olds.
So- that was our "Experiment," week One.

Todays's Smoothie~  "Spinacananakalery."(my own word-*smile~)  Two pinchy grabs of baby spinach, 3-4 wedges of cantaloupe- off the rind and chunked up, two leaves Kale( i used 4 smaller ones)  1 banana, two celery stalks, alot of celery leaves(do this to your taste)1-1/12 Cups of Ice, 1-2 Cups water, Stevia to taste.  Blend in high speed blender until very smoothe , Enjoy!!

Today's grooves~

Have a good day!

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