Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thunderstorms, gardening, and smoothies.

 I decided to garden friday morning,- during a Thunderstorm.
Honestly, it  empowering? ...invigorating?   All of the above.  Time moved at a different speed out there, lost in the rain, and the jungle of 6-7 foot tall weeds/grasses.  I honestly have no idea how long i was out there in the wind and the weeds, but it was a while apparently. I got alot done- single handedly.
The time went by fast- for me.
Then one of the girls came out and asked, "What are we going to make for shabbat dinner?"  I froze.
SHABBAT!  OMGOSH!- i ditched the gardening...and ran in- soaked clear through, and filthy and muddy and mucky...and took a fast shower, and then tackled the house, made some homemade bread, some goulash, salad, cookies- tackled the house AGAIN...and collapsed on the couch. LOL

Today's Smoothie was a throw together of things i wanted; it came out pretty good~  ParsleyOrangeGingerBananaBerry.  1 cup parsley, 7 romaine leaves,2 celery stalks(extra leaves)7 strawberries, 2 bananas, 2 oranges, a thick, one inch piece of ginger,- peeled.( i added another sliver after) ice, water and stevia to taste.

Today- we gardened again; all of us.(hubby was a slave driver today.) Gardening was more fun friday, in the Thunderstorm. *lol  BUT, we got a huge amount of work done.  I have to plant all the raspberry and blueberry vines tomorrow.(12 in all)- As sore as i am right now(from friday and today) im not looking forward to it! ( i can only imagine how stiff and sore i will be tomorrow, if im this sore right now!) - yes.  im being a weenie about it.

Today's Groove~...  * i dont have a video.  no video can compare to the power and majesty of a sunset thunderstorm.  Thank you, Abba, for blessing us with seasons, with our "fearfully and wonderfully made" bodies, our families, friends, and all our needs, and providing for us so abundantly.

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