Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thunderstorms, gardening, and smoothies.

 I decided to garden friday morning,- during a Thunderstorm.
Honestly, it  empowering? ...invigorating?   All of the above.  Time moved at a different speed out there, lost in the rain, and the jungle of 6-7 foot tall weeds/grasses.  I honestly have no idea how long i was out there in the wind and the weeds, but it was a while apparently. I got alot done- single handedly.
The time went by fast- for me.
Then one of the girls came out and asked, "What are we going to make for shabbat dinner?"  I froze.
SHABBAT!  OMGOSH!- i ditched the gardening...and ran in- soaked clear through, and filthy and muddy and mucky...and took a fast shower, and then tackled the house, made some homemade bread, some goulash, salad, cookies- tackled the house AGAIN...and collapsed on the couch. LOL

Today's Smoothie was a throw together of things i wanted; it came out pretty good~  ParsleyOrangeGingerBananaBerry.  1 cup parsley, 7 romaine leaves,2 celery stalks(extra leaves)7 strawberries, 2 bananas, 2 oranges, a thick, one inch piece of ginger,- peeled.( i added another sliver after) ice, water and stevia to taste.

Today- we gardened again; all of us.(hubby was a slave driver today.) Gardening was more fun friday, in the Thunderstorm. *lol  BUT, we got a huge amount of work done.  I have to plant all the raspberry and blueberry vines tomorrow.(12 in all)- As sore as i am right now(from friday and today) im not looking forward to it! ( i can only imagine how stiff and sore i will be tomorrow, if im this sore right now!) - yes.  im being a weenie about it.

Today's Groove~...  * i dont have a video.  no video can compare to the power and majesty of a sunset thunderstorm.  Thank you, Abba, for blessing us with seasons, with our "fearfully and wonderfully made" bodies, our families, friends, and all our needs, and providing for us so abundantly.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Smoothies, Groovies, and ...stuff

Stuck at home because the van won't start....*Sigh~...

I'm alittle angry today; some friends of mine are hurting. Quite a few friends, actually.  And here i am, struggling- with things i should be stronger in- Thought i was stronger in,-especially after all God's done for me....
*Sighs~    I guess that's why they call it "fight"- huh? ...*ugh

On a better note, the "every meal at home together around the table(also etiquette and manners lesson time),  from here on known as "The "Experiment,"  has  under gone its first full week. The results were- interesting? *lol
Sometimes i think we, parents, think our kids "get" or "know" something just because they've been in the same room/house with it most or all of their lives.  I'm learning- vividly(*Shudder) that's just Not the case.  Not with manners, not with etiquette, not with why we do certain things, why we dont do these other things...- the list goes on and on.  I admit to being  surprised and...upset?... by this revelation.
Everything imortant to you, your life and your way of thinking and doing this MUST include these three things- all three- to get "stuck" in your kids. Do.  Do while explaining. Do with them while re-emphasizing,( letting them participate more each time.)  Or   Explain. Show. Practice.

Anyway- the first day was just...shocking.  LOL  I just got us all together and watched what heppened. *shudder~  i didnt eat much that night.  The next day- first full day- I became Emily Post meets Mrs. Doubtfire meets Madea.  - and stuck with that for the next three days.  No, that first full day definitely wasnt fun- but, as the days and lessons continued, we got some things down(like not talking over people(because yooure excited or thought of a good poit, etc)- and especially not  while you're chewing(*ew) We had one really good day, and then hit a snag.  Crankiness and boredom.  It was a chore t get them to the table on time. - and they were sulky when they got there.  One evening got so bad i just made everyone leave the table.  Yesterday wasnt so bad.  Kind of fun at times too- though still battling the bad atitudes and pouty lipped three year olds.
So- that was our "Experiment," week One.

Todays's Smoothie~  "Spinacananakalery."(my own word-*smile~)  Two pinchy grabs of baby spinach, 3-4 wedges of cantaloupe- off the rind and chunked up, two leaves Kale( i used 4 smaller ones)  1 banana, two celery stalks, alot of celery leaves(do this to your taste)1-1/12 Cups of Ice, 1-2 Cups water, Stevia to taste.  Blend in high speed blender until very smoothe , Enjoy!!

Today's grooves~

Have a good day!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

GOOD MORNING!!- happy thursday~

I actually wrote something yesterday, so im alittle pumped.  - it was still drivel, but hey...words going onto the page is progress, right?

Today's Smoothie: will be an Orange Dreamcicle Greeen Smoothie: 2-3 oranges, the juice of 3more oranges, 1-2 bananas(i'll use 1), 5 romaine leaves, pinching pull of celery leaves or parsley(havent decided yet), 1-2 cups watwer, 1-2 cups ice, stevia to taste.  throw it all in the Vitamix- blend until smooth and creamy - pour into  52 ounce cup(in case you go over 44), push a straw into that yumminess and ENJOY!!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today's groove~

life's seasons, shiva, and kittens

There is a saying- or, uh, proverb like something,  that goes something like : "People are brought across your path/into your life for a reason.  Some will stay all short time, and then leave; some stay longer than others; an exceptional few will stay a long time, but all of them have been placed across your path for a reason."
Another part of that  would be"Learn to look for and recognize the reason; and then learn the lesson."

...annnnnnd, i completely forgot where i was going with that.  *LOL ~sorry.  Losing my "train of thought" tends to happen frequently when i begin the post and something happens, and then more things happen, and then i have to do this or that "real quick" and suddenly,'s well into the PM when i get back to the post.

*Sigh~ so,  i will skip on down to this other train of thought( and see if i can keep it on track. *lol)

I recently met a man who had JUST turned his life around, with God's, and alot of good people's help. The story from his family, and from himself on the changes was, -remarkable.   Totally changed and transformed by the love of God.  Clean, sober, loving life and loving his family.
  He went home to be with God on May 8th- just shy of his "one year clean and sober" anniversary. They sent his pin to his family, "post-humus"  His memorial service was wonderful- many stories were told of his antics(pre- and post salvation), and his great love of life, motorcycles, God, his fiancé', his family, and his "boys"- two siberian huskies- "Harley", and "Jake."  Laughter in tears~

I'm beginning to realize it will be like this, and possibly more and more so, as we draw closer to the end of things. Makes you want to shout to everyone, "Live, love, laugh with those you love while you still have them! There is no guarantee of tomorrow! In an instant, everything could permanently change!!"

I find myself constantly thinking about his mother, and his sisters, brothers, fiance` and daughter.  now i am not included in the "shiva" process- being only a friend, but i find myself grieving for, and with, the family. 

Perhaps i should explain...
"Shiva" literally means "seven;" and is the term applied to the seven days Immediately Following the burial of the departed (which in Judaism traditionally occurs within one day of death whenever possible). Any "first-degree" relative - father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, spouse -  becomes/assumes the chalakic ("how to walk" out the commandments) status of (an)"avel " (Hebrew: אבל ; "mourner"). During the funeral, mourners traditionally tear or rip an outer garment;  a ritual known as keriyah . Traditions state that the garment should be one that "covers the heart" (shirt, jacket,vest...) and the garment is to be worn throughout the seven day period.(Outside of the Orthodox community, a common alternative is to wear a small, torn black ribbon pinned to one's clothes.) "Shiva" lasts seven days, during which time family members traditionally gather in one home (preferably the home of the deceased) and receive visitors. The mirrors are covered with a cloth(usually black), the family members do not wear shoes, during this time.- in ancient times, leather shoes were a sign of wealth; when someone we love/care about dies, we are no longer wealthy.) The family does not do "normal everyday activities" during the seven days; Meals, housework, errands,- All their needs,-  are (supposed to be)taken care of by the community.  The practice of "sitting shiva" comes from verses in the book of Isaiah.

Our kittens dont understand shiva so well.  They are too adorable to be ignored.  They're starting to play now, and the dear little furballs just dont understand "sad"- not at this point.

They've been a great help to the kids and loads of fun for the youngest.- i just wish their claws and little teeth werent like razor sharp needles!

Todays Groove~

 Todays Smoothie:  Green ginger~   apple, orange, banana, 4 kale leaves, hand pinch full of spinach, 4 romaine leaves, 1 inch of ginger, peeled, one lemon, ice water and stevia to taste.

Don't Forget.  Live. Love. Laugh.

Monday, May 9, 2011


(Dan's(the health rejuvenator) Ninja Juice
Habanero pepper (optional)

Push ingredients through a juicer. ENJOY.

I didn't have all the ingredients, so i improvised!
Improvised recipe~
Spinach- two pinchey grabs out of the bag
kale -3 leaves
celery leaves*just the leaves on their stems, about 1/2 C.)
powdered ginger 1 tsp
2 fresh lemons, juiced
2 LARGE garlic clove
2 apple slices(about 1/8th of an apple- to help the greens go through the juicer(Champion)
powdered Cayenne about 1/2 tsp.
stevia.- to taste

It. Was. YUMMY!-  I SOo want to do this with fresh Ginger and peppers!  SOON!

 Mother's day was wonderful.  Woke up late- very late(all those nights with two hours or less of sleep call caught up with me saturday night.)  The girls made me breakfast, and cleaned the house(alittle. lol)  Husband took me to a late lunch(that also turned out to be dinner) and a dollar movie(is there any other(reasonable) kind!?)  My youngest serenaded me- at the top of his lungs, while strumming an out of tune guitar.- it was precious.  My next youngest picked a bouquet handful of yard flowers and weeds for me - they're almost the best kind!!  I had some girl time with my girls, and then we all went to bed early.  All in all, a really good day.  God is so good.

   We are  going to be trying an experiment for the next little while, and see what affects it has on all of us.   We will be eating all our meals each day, at home, together, all at the same table. 
   I think we lost something precious when "family meal" times got relegated to weekends and holidays only.  It's a good way to "check in" with everyone, and also to "see"- visually- how they're doing, too. We used to do evening meals together,but let our "busy schedule" interfere.  The kids have gotten lax in their social etiquette  and table manners, and im putting my foot down.
(smacking, belching, talking with your mouth full, etc. ain't flying around here...)
We'll keep you updated on the good, the bad, and the gross, on the experiment.-I'm thinking there will be more gross than good at first. - aren't you excited!?  

Now..for Today's Groove~...(song, not video)*lol

Today's Smoothie:  Berry Bliss:  9 big strawberries, 1 C. mixed berries, 5 leaves Romaine, 2 leaves Kale, 1 C. ice, 1 C. water, stevia to taste.  Blend in Vitamix until really smooth, and ENJOY!~

Friday, May 6, 2011

Today's Groove, Today!

DAY TWO!  of three hours or less of sleep; - expect abounding weirdness~!

  I'm enjoying a steaming hot cup of Coffee Zilla- with cream and sugar.
When i was rousted out of bed this morning, i knew i had two "wake- up" options.(there are probably more, but im sleep walking at this point, and i know these two work.*smile~)

*"WAKE UUUUP!" options:

  Option A:  Coffee Zilla(the "we're strapped for cash" version)-  Take your coffee grinder, throw in three times as much of your favorite Roast -or do three batches)-i'm doing dark columbian today(because im out of everything else), throw it all in the coffee strainer basket thingy(equalls about 3/4 cup grounds) and "let 'er brew."
While it's perking or brewing...when it's just past that "drips look like tar" stage(but not too far past!) stick your cup under there and fill 'er up.  Add cream, stevia/sugar, whatever else hits your fancy, stir and drink.
No, not "sip and enjoy"... seriously,, "shoot it."  Save "sipping and enjoying" for cup two(which is what i'm on.
*COFFEE ZILLA , BABY!"~  *heh, im kind of that "dragging butt" kind of way.

Option B:  Two dropper fulls of tincture of Cayenne in 1/4 cup water.  Stir, and ...*uh huh~,..."shoot it."
It'll blow the top of your head off, clean out your sinus cavities and your tear ducts,( not to mention other things on the way out...) and honey, you WILL be AWAKE.  *Shudders in the memories~
...after the first time, we nicknamed it,"The Burning Blitzkrieg."(we'll let your imagination toy around with "why")

 *WARNING!~  Topic jump!

   Two of my daughters surprised me with Tulips for (an early)Mother's Day; I adore Tulips.  23 years of Mother's Days and I've never gotten Tulips.  This year I did.  !!!  I was elated. (yes; i was working on 2 hours of sleep that day, too.  *seems to be a pattern as of late...*sighing eyeroll.~)

   They're so pretty, and smell so good.  They just scream "HAPPY!"

Today's Smoothie:  "Orange Dreamcicle"- this version boasts three oranges, the juice(only) of three more oranges, 1/2 and apple, 3 md.- lrg. RIPE bananas, 7 green leaf lettuce leaves, big pinch celery leaves, stevia, ice and water or almond or coconut milk, to taste.  Throw it all in the VitaMix, turn that puppy on and let her rip.(uhm, snap the lid on first....i didn't(brain was in bed somewhere) - wasn't pretty.)
Blend for 30 seconds to a minute(or, however much you like) and ENJOY!

Today's Groove~...  They don't make them like this anymore;  The irrepressible Cab Calloway and the exuberant and exceptional Nicholas Brothers(*Men, can you say, "Ow!" )-  have to watch to see why~ *lopsided grin~

Yesterdays Groove, today-

Yesterday morning, right in the middle of chats and weather checks and day planning, my computer crashed.
Yep; "Murphy" is staying in the guest house, apparently.  But, "we're baa-ack!"
*lopsided grin~
SOoo...without further ado...Yesterday's Groove~ (well, the first one; groove things kinda headed in a different direction with the computer crash...*lol)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

kittens and Today's groove

The kittens eyes are opening and it's so fun to watch them shakily and clumsily wobble about.  They're at least twice as big(in bulk) as when they were born and just adorable.  We already have temporary names for them.
The all orange one-with a little dusting of white across his eyes is "screamer"- he is forever mewing in those ear splitting tones.  The Orange and white one has about a quarter of a tail, and husband named him "Stubby."  The orange black and white one has no tail at all, and is the sweetest and calmest one of all, so we named him "peaceful."

Today will be delightfully busy; cleaning the house, baking goodies and getting ready for the new moon party tonight. So, without further ado...Today's Groove...


Todays Green smoothie!  2 cups spinach, one half apple(using the rest for tuna salad later) one banana, two oranges, 10 strawberries, one large Kale leaf, 1/4 cup fresh parsley, 1/4 cup celery leaves, 1 1/2 cups ice, 1 cup water.  stevia to taste

blend all in the Vita Mix and.."bada boom, bada 'green'."- smoothie.  *smile~

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Today's Groove~...

Yep; one of those weird kind of days.LOL

I have chicken in the oven.  Anyone know what i can make it into for dinner?  LOL *sigh~

Monday, May 2, 2011

tea parties, green smoothies and "grooves"

Well, like just about everything, life around here has a way or "righting itself" again (after going all topsy-turvy.)

Not much happening around here except the usual; and that is a big relief when compared to a few days ago.  We're beefing up on our "B.R.A.T." diet because the kiddos are suffering some cold symptoms.  I made a mean Kale, Romaine, blueberry green smoothie yesterday.(todays was apple orange banana...)  Everyone wanted to take turns getting a sip from my 52 oz so they could "have blue lips."

Kale, Romaine Blueberry smoothie.
2 cups ice
water as needed(at least 1 cup
2 cups blueberries
6 strawberries
6 leaves romaine
5 leaves(big) Kale
1  apple chopped
*Stevia (optional)

Blend it all in the Vitamix until really smooth and even, and ENJOY.

Today, we had a tea party(small.  just us.)  to toast the death of Bin Laden.- politically correct or not, it was about darn time.

one of Today's grooves