Wednesday, April 27, 2011

kittens, early mornings and...TMI

 I bolted upright with the sound of tiny, piercing mews(is that even a word?), and stumbled out of the covers, bleary eyed and achey.    -... for the tenth time. *sigh~
Our cat blessed us with kitten yesterday morning, during a bad thunderstorm.  Two of the three babies were just about drown when we found them; so, it's been a long day and night.
My husband had to get up extra early to make the two hour "commute" to work this morning, and i had to get him ready.
So, here i am, in all my bleary-eyed, "morning clumsy" glory, in the dark at 4:30 am, getting all my undergarments back together, and on my person so i can get about the house and get husband and crew ready to go.  I Finally locate my bra, flip it upside down, wrap it around, fasten the hooks , spin it back around and do that flip thing and get all tucked in.
I take two steps towards the bedroom door and something doesn't feel right.  I kind of wiggle and tug, and then grab the door knob.  Right as i'm pulling the door open, the "what's wrong" hits me.
I've put my bra on Over my shirt.  !
 I think i stood in the open doorway, hand still on the doorknob, for another full minute before the thought, "Yes, i should fix this before i go on."  finally formed and registered.
 (thank God none of the kids were up and saw it....) EmbarassedLaughing
Outside a dog, a book is man's best friend; inside a dog, it's too dark to read!- Mark Twain

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